Take Your Head Out of Your @$$ and Get Off Zero!

99 reasons you must have exposure to the strongest economic opportunity in your lifetime.

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If you don’t own Bitcoin, you should read this. If you own Bitcoin, you should read and book mark this and share this with anybody you know who doesn’t own Bitcoin. If you have read this and still choose not to own any Bitcoin, there is a high likelihood you suffer from stupidity, ignorance, or are too stubborn for your own good. Being broke, poor, or stretched is no excuse. You can buy $5 worth of Bitcoin. I spent days writing this. If you find it valuable, I request you clap, respond, highlight, and share this list with anyone who can think cognitively.

  1. The US National Debt is $35.2 Trillion. A 2% interest rate equals $700B in annual debt servicing (interest cost). Your dollars are backed by debt, while Bitcoin is backed by wealth.


2. The global money supply (gold-colored bars in the graph below) is inflating quickly, debasing fiat currencies and making your fiat savings worth less every year. Meanwhile, Bitcoin’s inflation rate is perpetually lower (currently 0.78%).


3. You are still early! Studies vary, but Bitcoin owners are probably less than 10% of the world’s population. Further, approximately 1 million wallets hold 1 Bitcoin or more. Compare that with approximately 58 million US dollar millionaires. What happens if 5% (2.9 million) of existing millionaires wake up to the truth and want to own at least 1 Bitcoin?

4. In its first seven months, newly approved Bitcoin ETFs have secured over 5% of the total supply of BTC. BlackRock’s IBIT ETF is the fastest-growing ETF of all time!

5. Instead of being ridiculed, dismissed, and largely ignored, Bitcoin is now a topic in US elections.

6. 128 public companies own Bitcoin on their balance sheets. The largest, Microstrategy, has over 1% of the BTC supply and is one of the top-performing stocks in the S&P 500. As more public companies add Bitcoin to their balance sheets, the price will increase.

7. Unlike other assets, Bitcoin can be held and purchased by anybody with an internet connection. You don’t need to be a qualified investor, approved for a loan, or know the right people to experience Bitcoin’s wealth-generation effect.

8. Bitcoin can be bought and sold 24 hours per day. Unlike traditional markets, your wealth is accessible whenever you need it.

9. Bitcoin has significantly lower counterparty risk than stocks, bonds, and real estate. Bitcoin's executives do not require 100 times their employees' wages to ensure the stock price stays elevated because there are no Bitcoin executives. It has no overhead and doesn’t need to worry about fire, hurricanes, or other acts of God.

10. Bitcoin can earn yield via decentralized finance. New opportunities are being built where organic Bitcoin can be held on-chain, and rewards can be earned. Expect this opportunity to grow.

11. Bitcoin can be borrowed against, allowing for instant access to raise fiat or get a loan in other crypto assets. Bitcoin collateralizes these loans, which don’t require approval, credit checks, or minimum monthly payments.

12. Thousands of merchants and businesses worldwide accept Bitcoin. This number will explode as humanity collectively understands how valuable owning Bitcoin is for maintaining their wealth.

13. Collectibles, called Ordinals, are a multi-billion market. Memecoins known as Runes are on Bitcoin, and more smart contract capability is being added to it. This attracts more liquidity and activity to the Bitcoin ecosystem.

14. Bitcoin is the largest decentralized blockchain network in the world. It is exponentially more secure than centralized databases and networks, which are hacked daily.

15. Bitcoin is easily transportable. Unlike cash, it doesn’t need to be reported when traveling internationally.

16. Bitcoin in self-custody is much harder for governments or institutions to seize or deny access than bank accounts, stocks, or other assets. Additionally, Bitcoin is extremely private.

17. Bitcoin relies on mathematics, while our current monetary system relies on theory. It’s a gigantic experiment constantly being altered as conditions change.

18. Bitcoin is significantly more liquid and cheaper to exchange than most fiat currencies. A Vietnamese Bhat won’t be very useful in Costa Rica, but Bitcoin acceptance and conversion can be found worldwide.

19. Bitcoin provides an alternative for citizens in countries where their fiat currency is being devalued faster than the dollar, and access to dollars is harder to find.

20. Bitcoin is digital and represents forward-thinking technological innovation. We have transitioned to a primarily digital world and should expect this pattern to continue, making Bitcoin ownership increasingly obvious.

21. Bitcoin solves a fundamental problem- sending value digitally without needing a third party (intermediary). Unlike bank wires or traditional remittance services (money-sending businesses like Western Union), you don’t need an institution acting as a middleman and dipping its beak in your money via high fees.

22. Younger generations are set to inherit trillions in wealth from Baby Boomers. Younger people are financially smarter (by necessity and better access to learning via technology) and understand Bitcoin’s value. As this wealth transfer occurs, more traditional finance money will enter Bitcoin.

23. The Bitcoin market is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Bitcoin doesn’t recognize holidays, and time zones are not important. Meanwhile, traditional banking and financial services are closed over 75% of the time.

24. Bitcoin is divisible into 2.1 quadrillion equal pieces called Satoshis. This is hugely important as many people may not know you don’t need to own an entire or even 1% of a Bitcoin. You can buy 500 Satoshis today for $30.

25. The Bitcoin supply is capped at 21 million, and 19.7 million have already been mined. As demand increases, the supply is already 93.8% mined, making it the hardest asset known to humanity.

26. Unlike real estate or most other investments, holding Bitcoin doesn’t incur taxes or fees for holding your assets (such as custody of gold, taxes on stock dividends, property taxes and insurance, etc.).

27. Sovereign wealth funds and countries are starting to acquire Bitcoin directly or via proxies such as Microstrategy. As more countries participate, it will incite a land grab like we haven’t seen before.

28. While most of the financial community used to laugh at and dismiss Bitcoin, many high-value and respectable names with high net worth openly discuss encouraging Bitcoin ownership. Some well-known names include Michael Saylor, Michael Dell, Mark Cuban, Bill Miller, Robert Kiyosaki, Cathie Wood, Paul Tudor Jones, and many others.

29. Many uber-wealthy individuals are accumulating Bitcoin at accelerated rates, indicating they prefer to preserve their privacy and be ahead of the curve before their ‘fellow’ billionaires all hop on the train.

30. Bitcoin has had a compounded annual growth rate of 45% over the past five years. Compare that with the S&P 500, which has had a 15.7% annual growth rate each year over the past five years, and gold, which has had an 11.8% growth rate over the same period.

31. Of the 21 million total Bitcoin supply, 1 million sits in the founder’s wallet that has never been touched. Further, millions of Bitcoins are estimated to be lost forever because people may have lost their keys or discarded devices when Bitcoin was valued at pennies or dollars. The real supply is probably a few million lower than the 21 million cap.

32. Bitcoin’s marketing is completely free. The logo is one of the most recognizable in the world, and it has gone from relative obscurity ten years ago to being one of the most reported, discussed, and controversial financial assets.

33. Bitcoin provides diversification in a fragile monetary system. It represents true financial insurance that doesn’t rely on a third party (insurance companies) constantly trying not to pay out on its claims. Do you believe the FDIC fund a large-scale payout with its meager treasury? If you do, I suggest you look at the statistics.

34. Bitcoin doesn’t rely on ‘Wizard of Oz’ entities like central bankers or the FDIC prepared to put out any fires at the cost of our future. When the shit hits the fan in the Bitcoin market, it is forced to self-correct and, thus, becomes stronger. Conversely, the ‘Wizard of Oz’ system works until the curtain is pulled back.

35. Bitcoin was proactively planned out in response to a crisis. Meanwhile, our non-backed fiat currency was reactively created in response to a crisis (not having enough gold) but wasn’t meaningfully planned or thought out. And if our monetary system was planned out, the planners did a poor job.

36. Bitcoin is the closest thing to a free market today. As it is famously said, “People get Bitcoin at the price they deserve.”

37. Bitcoin attracts liquidity from greedy speculators who trade with leverage and from cautious savers who want to maintain their buying power. Its wide audience and allure will help capture a larger share of all asset classes.

38. Bitcoin has a strong community that is growing every year. Providing financial freedom to people and sovereignty to their wealth creates believers (like myself) who willingly go out of their way to discuss its merits and share the benefits of not being held down by a traditional finance system that punishes savers and rewards risk-takers with little repercussions when things turn against them.

39. Bitcoin demands personal responsibility. It’s not an ETF or 401K plan that nickels and dimes you with fees and poor assets in return for perceived safety and mediocre returns. At the same time, Bitcoin requires you to be a good steward of your wealth.

40. Bitcoin restores the hope of actually retiring someday. If it maintains a fraction of its returns, a modest Bitcoin allocation can dramatically alter someone’s retirement plans.

41. While a CBDC hasn’t officially launched in the US yet, owning Bitcoin provides an alternative for the government to potentially have 100% surveillance and control of your financial activity when a CBDC does launch.

42. With the ETFs, nearly $40 trillion in investable retirement assets can be invested in Bitcoin. Once major players such as Vanguard realize they are providing a disservice to their clients by preventing ownership in Bitcoin ETFs, more of these funds will become unlocked and flow to Bitcoin.

43. Bitcoin is a Veblen good. This means that owning it becomes more desirable as the price goes higher. Historically, Veblen goods have tremendous track records. Bernard Arnault, the founder of LVMH, is one of the five richest men on earth. His Veblen brand, Louis Vuitton, illustrates how psychology drives people to perceive more value when prices increase.

44. Bitcoin can’t be weaponized like the dollar. Nations don’t appreciate being unable to access their money, which should encourage more of them to hold Bitcoin in their treasuries.

45. Bitcoin is much easier to understand than the current monetary system. A five-hour learning investment can teach you most of what you need about Bitcoin. Meanwhile, most experts in the current monetary system would need help or be embarrassed to explain it honestly.

46. Bitcoin is in its teenage years. Adjusted for splits, Apple stock traded for around $0.35/share after its first 15 years. Today, it’s trading for $226/share. While I don’t expect the price of Bitcoin to increase 775x over the next 30 years, it’s one of the few investments that could increase at that rate. If you took a time machine to 1996 and asked people if they thought Apple stock would go from $0.35 to $226 in 30 years, I’d guess 999 out of 1000 would accuse you of dreaming or being high on drugs.

47. According to the Lindy Effect, Bitcoin’s existence and lack of competition over such a long period reiterates it as being the dominant decentralized crypto asset and maintaining its leadership for several decades in the future.

48. Under President Nayib Bukele, El Salvador made Bitcoin legal tender in 2021. This move attracted foreign investment, and President Bukele won a landslide re-election in 2024. As more countries accept Bitcoin as legal tender, it will become a reflexive way to attract more investment, tourism, and commerce.

49. Bitcoin’s addressable market is 8 billion people worldwide. This is unique from nearly every other asset except rare commodities or non-proprietary technology.

50. Bitcoin is the cornerstone of the entire crypto market. It inspired an entirely decentralized, focused digital economy. These assets are often priced in Bitcoin and integrate Bitcoin into their ecosystems. The growth in crypto and Bitcoin is symbiotic and benefits the entire asset class.

51. Larry Fink is pitching Bitcoin. Imagine you own a protein powder company. Larry Fink is the financial equivalent of having The Rock as your protein powder spokesperson and doing the job without charging you.

52. Speaking of Larry Fink, BlackRock’s IBIT ETF has 1.5% of the Bitcoin supply. Take a closer look at the percentage of the how much BlackRock holds in the five biggest stocks: Apple- 6.9%, Alphabet- 6.3%, Nvidia- 7.5%, Microsoft- 7.4%, and Amazon- 6.2%. Are you naive enough to think BlackRock will be satisfied with 1.5% of the supply, especially when their primary competitor Vanguard has their heads up their asses and their asses buried five feet in the sand when it comes to owning Bitcoin?

53. Unlike stocks, shares can’t be added to Bitcoin when the executive board needs pay raises or made mistakes. Bitcoin doesn’t have to pay 1,000-mile private jet commutes for the CEO, like greenwashing Starbucks. Unlike gold (where the total supply is a gigantic question market), Bitcoin supply can’t increase when prices increase. There are no undiscovered mines or planets/asteroids comprised of Bitcoin as there may be with gold or other precious metals/commodities.

54. Once banks can legally custody Bitcoin, they will begin offering it to their clients, drawing in more liquidity. Bankers are only motivated by one thing—profits. And they realize how much profit they can make by buying, selling, and custodying Bitcoin for their clients.

55. Bitcoin can be legally washtraded today for tax benefits.

56. In a world filled with unfairness and inequality, Bitcoin is fair. It has rules written in code and has followed them since day 1. No mission, vision, or other corporate BS is written to evoke misleading and disingenuous feelings for employees, customers, or investors. It’s simply a brilliant whitepaper and a network that works efficiently.

57. Bitcoin is highly volatile. The return for this volatility is outsized returns. While this gets confused as being a bad thing, look how poorly you would have done investing in low-volatility stocks.


58. Holding small amounts of Bitcoin in a diversified portfolio can have outsized advantages and improve Sharpe Ratios- “The Sharpe ratio calculates how much excess return you receive for the extra volatility you endure for holding a riskier asset. It’s one of the most referenced risk/return measures used in finance, partly because of its simplicity.”

The example below highlights reallocating a portion from the stock side of a traditional 60/40 (60% stocks and 40% bonds) portfolio with Bitcoin. Imagine the improvement if you replaced the underperforming piece of shit side (bonds) with Bitcoin! Even a 1% reallocation in Bitcoin from stocks increased returns by 10%. I guess Morningstar didn’t use data from bonds because it would make it too obvious why it’s absolutely idiotic for ordinary people to hold much in bonds.


59. If Trump wins the US presidency in November, there’s a high likelihood of more regulation and pro-government backing of Bitcoin.

60. If Kamala Harris wins the US presidency, crypto innovation in the US will likely be stifled, which could hurt altcoins but be a positive driver for Bitcoin that has already (begrudgingly) been given the golden stamp of approval under a Democratic leader. Further, 75% of the time between the Great Financial Crisis and now has been under a Democratic President, and neither party is scared to print (and devalue) the dollar. Maybe Satoshi Nakamoto (Bitcoin creator) predicted something in 2008 that 95% of the world hasn’t caught on to…yet?


61. Coinbase is releasing a new DeFi solution called cbBTC. This can dramatically increase Bitcoin’s integration in decentralized finance and, thus, increase demand and use for Bitcoin. Coinbase has an estimated 50–100 million users who can easily get onboarded to the BASE on-chain experience and buy cbBTC when it launches.

62. Fees for buying and selling Bitcoin are significantly lower than fees for buying and selling gold and real estate. And, unlike stocks, there aren’t circuit breakers and freezes to manipulate the market and protect from algorithmic breakdowns. There’s no manufacturing required to create smaller units, such as with physical gold, and fewer middlemen than buying or selling real estate. The Bitcoin ETF requires holding spot Bitcoin, unlike the most popular gold ETF, GLD, which isn’t holding nearly its net asset value in gold reserves.

63. Contrary to popular belief, Bitcoin mining is significantly more environmentally friendly than most US energy consumption. According to current data, only 8.5% of US energy consumption comes from renewable sources, whereas over 54% of Bitcoin mining uses sustainable energy. It’s funny that the ESG crowd isn’t going after AI, which primarily depends on fossil fuels for energy.


64. Our reliance on AI is growing daily. In the next decade, humanity will rely upon and trust AI more for many things, including data analysis. Since AI can analyze vast amounts of data with a non-biased reading (or so it claims), it’s logical that AI will conclude that Bitcoin is superior to a fiat reserve currency system. Owning Bitcoin now could be a way of being ahead of the crowd when or if it becomes popularized by AI.

65. Bitcoin’s adoption is outpacing the Internet’s adoption.


66. Bitcoin has followed PlanB’s stock-to-flow model extremely closely. If the model continues holding, now might be one of the last times to accumulate an entire Bitcoin for under $100K.

What Is Stock To Flow (S2F)?

Stock to flow is a forecasting tool for Bitcoin price.

It creates a line on the chart above that shows an estimated price level based on the number of bitcoins available in the market relative to the amount being produced (mined) each year.

The score on the stock to flow line is the forecasted price for bitcoin at that particular time. By hovering your cursor over the line on the chart, you can see the forecasted price. To date, it has broadly forecasted price correctly as $BTC price has followed the stock to flow line.

As the amount of bitcoins to be mined reduces over time, the stock to flow number (s2f ratio) increases, as supply coming onto the market is reducing. That is why this model is forecasting that the price of Bitcoin will increase in the future.


67. Google search volume for ‘Bitcoin’ indicates we aren’t near all-time highs. Ordinary retail traders haven’t arrived and brought their swaths of money. Today, the search volume is at a level of 30 when it hit 65 and 100 in the past two local price peaks.


68. BRICs are currently working on a currency to challenge the dominance of the US dollar. If more trade relies on currency outside the US dollar, its demand and necessity will decrease, negatively impacting its valuation and buying power. Last year, Egypt devalued its currency by 40% against the dollar. Ask citizens in Argentina, Lebanon, and Nigeria how saving in their native currency has worked out for them over the past five years. Owning Bitcoin protects you from being overexposed to any singular fiat currency, including dollars.

69. Owning Bitcoin provides security, hope, accomplishment, and peace of mind that non-Bitcoin holders can’t fully appreciate until they own and take custody of Bitcoin. It represents something you can own. Do we ever own our houses when we must pay taxes to prevent the government from repossessing them? We don’t own our savings accounts, which are low-interest loans to the banks. And, while you own a company’s stocks, by no means do you own the company. Other investors hold many more shares, and your voice (vote) likely means nearly nothing. Even large sums of cash can be confiscated by government authorities who claim you are using it for illicit activity.

70. Bitcoin transactions can’t be reversed. Finality in a transaction is hard to find when everyone, from the government to institutions, claws back funds from people’s accounts. The non-reversible nature requires responsibility and accountability.

71. Bitcoin represents a new financial asset class. Few people realize how infrequently a new financial asset class emerges. Fiat, real estate, bonds, gold, and stocks have existed for centuries. Bitcoin, a digital finite commodity, is a concept many people don’t understand immediately. By being early, you can experience tremendous financial upside as the awakening organically occurs.

72. Bitcoin provides 1.5 billion unbanked people worldwide with access to decentralized banking. If you agree that financial inclusion is a good thing, embracing Bitcoin will help vulnerable people by allowing them to participate in the current banking system they may be excluded from.

73. China. China outlawed Bitcoin in 2013 and banned Bitcoin mining in 2021. With the possible acceptance of an ETF for Chinese mainlanders, China may reintroduce Bitcoin as an investment. An ETF settled in fiat can help China maintain its strict capital controls.

74. Funds invested in gold will move to Bitcoin. Bitcoin does nearly everything gold does but in a superior manner. Gold is a $10+ trillion market, and Bitcoin is less than $1.3 trillion. As Bitcoin continues to eat into gold’s market share, expect smarter investors to trade their gold for Bitcoin.

75. Bitcoin is unstoppable. Put it however you want: Pandora’s box has been opened. The genie is out of the bottle, the toothpaste is out of the tube, and the cat is out of the bag. The tipping point has been reached. Since the Bitcoin network is decentralized, it can’t be forcibly shut down by a government.

76. Bitcoin affords physical freedom. The biggest allocation of wealth in the US is in housing. But what if you want to move? It’s a gigantic and expensive pain. Gold is unsafe and heavy to move around. I wouldn’t feel comfortable carrying a 5-pound gold bar representing my life’s savings. You aren’t tied down to physical and symbolic boundaries when your wealth is in Bitcoin.

77. Bitcoin represents technology and progress. Do you spend more time on a house phone or a cell phone? Does anyone under 40 know how to work a FAX machine? Do you get fed your news from a newspaper or the Internet? Bitcoin is money+technology. The internet is information and technology. Adding technology to a necessity brings more value. Do you think Macy’s or Amazon will be more valuable in 20 years?

78. Bitcoin has no direct competition. Nvidia has quickly risen to be one of the most valuable companies. Now, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Tesla, and most other tech companies will compete for AI market share. Apple created the iPhone, and Samsung has become a major company by copying and competing with it. Tesla popularized electric vehicles, and now there are Boyd, Rivian, and traditional care manufacturers trying to take market share. Bitcoin doesn’t have a competitor and probably won’t in the future.



80. Bitcoin has no president, employees or HR department, board, shareholders, rent, insurance, overhead, HOA, deposit fees, monthly fees, subscriptions, or other liabilities and costs. It represents pure wealth.

81. Bitcoin is a threat to the status quo. If you are happy with the status quo, continue working and consuming until you are too sick to do so. Then, spend any remaining funds on medical care until your time comes. If you think something better is possible, embrace Bitcoin.

82. People constantly ask why Bitcoin has any value. This is easy to answer: It has value because there are people who see value in owning it. Meanwhile, few people ask why fiat has any value. This, too, is easy to answer: It has value because people see value in owning it. What happens when more people see value in owning Bitcoin and fewer people see value in fiat? Look at the Bitcoin chart valued in dollars, and you will see.


83. You don’t need to be a financial genius to own Bitcoin. There aren’t arbitrary metrics or ratios you need to know to justify owning it. You don’t have to worry about insiders leaking information or government officials having more knowledge about you on what stocks to buy. You don’t have to worry about your race when applying for a loan. It’s very simple…Question- How much Bitcoin do you own? Answer- Not enough.

84. Bitcoin opposition still exists, but it is growing quieter. People like Peter Schiff are given less credence as his last correct call was 17 years ago. Many of the older naysayers are either throwing in the towel or dying. Once the opposition is completely silent, the parabolic gain phase will probably have mostly passed. Embrace Bitcoin while people aren’t being laughed out of existence for vocally bashing it.

85. Our economy is synthetic. How could stocks and real estate values skyrocket when the world was shut down and people had to stay home? Once you realize the government is constantly lying to you about inflation, employment, and GDP and that our economy is debt-based and reliant on government spending, it’s easier and more logical to embrace Bitcoin. Watch this great speech where Nayib Bukele succinctly spills the beans.

86. Speaking of prescient statements, remember what George Carlin famously ranted in 2005 and realize that the people in the big club don’t own all of the Bitcoin yet.

‘But there’s a reason. There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason education sucks, and it’s the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It’s never gonna get any better. Don’t look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don’t want that. I’m talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.

Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want.

Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I’ll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that.

You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something?

They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you, sooner or later, ’cause they own this fucking place. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy.

The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Good honest hard-working people — white collar, blue collar, it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on — good honest hard-working people continue — these are people of modest means — continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t care about you at all — at all — at all. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. That’s what the owners count on; the fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that’s being jammed up their assholes everyday. Because the owners of this country know the truth: it’s called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.’

87. Bitcoin transactions are more private than Zelle, CashApp, Venmo, PayPal, credit cards, and other popular digital payments. We have grown so accustomed to surveillance that we accept it at the cost of convenience. Further, now that every hacker can access our personal information, Bitcoin provides a solution protecting you from being surveilled and unwillingly victimized.

88. My kids would rather get Robux than a gift card for Target. Digital money is becoming embraced by our youth. Because they are already familiar with digital money, they will quickly and easily understand Bitcoin’s use, value, and superiority, increasing Bitcoin’s adoption and acceptance.

If you took a time machine back 100 years and tried explaining that the average person will spend an average of 6 hours and 40 minutes in front of a digital screen daily, they would have looked at you in bewilderment. If I suggest that in 20 years, the average person will spend 10 hours in front of a screen daily, you’d most likely answer, “That number might be a little too low.”

89. As workers, our productivity has increased dramatically more than our wages. Meanwhile, our savings are vastly underperforming compared with inflation and monetary debasement. Bitcoin provides an alternative where our savings become productive and restores our ability to avoid continual monetary exploitation.


90. Bitcoin can be a very low-stress and mindless investment asset. Ask yourself the question, “Where do I think the Bitcoin price will be in 10 years?” If the answer is much higher than today, then begin consistently accumulating daily, weekly, or monthly in amounts you feel comfortable with. Don’t get caught up in the noise as it’s best to think of your Bitcoin like an overperforming 401K that you can access at any time and you don’t have to pay thousands in fees to. My dentist always tells me, “You don’t have to floss all of your teeth, only the ones you want to keep.” Bitcoin is the same, you don’t have to convert all your fiat money to Bitcoin, only the money you want to keep.

91. Bitcoin may be your best chance at financial freedom. Owning a mortgage on house is little more than a dream for many people. Maybe you are one of the millions of people who owes a large portion of money to the $517 billion student debt. Or, maybe you are paying 22% annual interest on your share of the $1.1 trillion credit card debt. Maybe you are like me and your rent, food bills, and utility seem harder to pay every month.

A small investment in Bitcoin can earn magnificent returns. It doesn’t require luck, skill, or a graduate degree. All it takes to succeed with Bitcoin is a decision, action, and patience. Very few $64,000 investments today have the ability to be worth $1 million in 10 years. Bitcoin has a high likelihood of getting there if it maintains a fraction of its historical annual gains. Here’s a roadmap if converting $18,500 today in Bitcoin and adding $675 per month in Bitcoin. With a 32% annual return, your Bitcoin would be worth over $1 million measured in ten years.

This figure assumes a 32% annualized return which is low for Bitcoin but extremely high for most assets. But, to get the same returns with a traditional savings rate earning 4% annually (also historically very high), you can see it would require a $6625 ($79,500/year) monthly addition to hit the $1 million goal.

92. Bitcoin has been far more battle-tested and resilient than other investment classes. When FTX, Celsius, Voyager, and BlockFi collapsed Bitcoin survived. When Mt. Gox got hacked for nearly a million Bitcoin, Bitcoin survived. When China banned Bitcoin mining, miners relocated to the US and Bitcoin survived. When Germany and the US soldoff the Bitcoin they confiscated, Bitcoin survived.

The stock market could have had an absolute contagion meltdown if the Gamestop squeeze continued. The corporations shut it down with no recourse. The Fed released the ‘bazooka’ when the Pandemic hit and companies that should have closed due to capitalistic Darwinism were given lifelines and loans that weren’t repaid.

Meanwhile, countless under-reported bailouts in mainstream markets have occurred since Bitcoin’s birth- reverse repos, the BTFP, removal of reserve requirements for banks in 2020, massive airline bailouts resulting in executive pay increases, the ‘inflationary is transitory’ lie, the massive growth of the Fed balance sheet, and others we probably don’t know about.

I have a bad feeling the ‘Wizard of Oz’ synthetic economy discovery will be like Joe Biden’s mental condition after his debate; it’s been known to insiders for awhile, but when everyone realizes how bad it is, leaders will have to scramble and find a replacement and market the hell out of the replacement to get everyone to accept and embrace it. I’m afraid the replacement may be a CBDC.

93. Some form of a Bitcoin Standard or relationship with Bitcoin and a world reserve currency could occur resulting in massive upside we can’t realistically perceive. This scenario is where the $40 and $50 million Bitcoin predictions could turn out to be accurate. Imagine everything being priced in Bitcoin and Satoshis or a global reserve currency basket where Bitcoin is included.

94. There’s a high likelihood that Bitcoin’s price will never breach $40K again. The ETFs got involved and will protect the $40K price region. When Bitcoin recently dipped, Microstrategy’s Michael Saylor announced a $2 billion buy. This provides exit liquidity to any of the whales via the over the counter market. This is evidenced when we see that the supply of BTC on exchanges has actually dropped since Bitcoin’s price peaked at $73K in March. The green line in the graph below shows how the exchange supply has dropped by 10% when the price has pretty much moved sideways.


95. You have the chance to be faster than nearly everyone else. There are 6 times as many new cars sold in the US annually than there are Bitcoins left on exchanges. As long as you can get some Bitcoin before the amount of Bitcoins on exchanges gets cut in half, you will be way ahead of the game. There’s plenty of money that can go into Bitcoin and you have the opportunity of owning it before everyone else.

96. Bitcoin relies on belief in truth instead of trust. Do you believe in math? Do you believe in code? Do you believe in the invisible hand and real supply vs. demand exist? If so, you will want to own Bitcoin. On the other hand, do you trust your politicians, your central bankers, your corporate overlords, your tax collectors, and your media companies to look out for your best interest? If so, continue keeping all your money in fiat.

97. Some people say that Bitcoin is a religion. I don’t agree with this mischaracterization. A religion is a ‘belief and worship in a superhuman power or powers especially a God or gods.’ There is nothing superhuman or God-like about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is as much a religion as this is a bible. Religion tells you what you should do and Bitcoin allows you to do what you want to do.

98. Bitcoin thrives off of chaos and intelligence. People are either intelligent and understand they will need Bitcoin or they ignore it and wait until they need Bitcoin. Those who understand buy it before their currency has devalued and those who need it are buying it with melting ice cubes, their country’s fiat currency.

99. It took me an entire weekend to write this piece. In this time, the US national debt has climbed by $7.5 billion. Every US citizen became $15 more indebted over these two days. I doubt I’ll make $15 writing this article. I’m glad I own some Bitcoin.


I own Bitcoin and Bitcoin ETFs . This information should not be taken as investment advice. I am no more qualified to give financial advice than to perform JoJo Siwa songs at a Karaoke bar. Digital assets like crypto and NFTs involve risk, so you should always perform due diligence before investing.

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